Book Week Scotland

Scottish Book Trust The 26th November - 2nd December is Book Week in Scotland. 11am at my local library today, I joined others Scot in celebrating St Andrews day by having a blether about Scottish books. We talked about the books we had just read (Mine Pandaemonium by Christopher Brookmyre) and looked at Scottish based stories and authors. Books have kept me sane. When my mental health problems were at there worst 3 year's ago I re-joined my local library's reading group. More importantly I took my first steps towards re-joining social life. Iv found focusing on a good story by reading on bus's, can help stop me from having full blown panic attacks. Getting lost in the story helps block everything out, probably because reading is an active thought process. I really enjoy getting together with other folk over a cup of tea and discussing a book. Funnily enough it's the books we don't like that cause the ...