
Monday madness baking experiments

After making my Oatmeal & Raisin cookies on Monday I couldn't stop baking once I got started.  When I get an idea in my head I tend to want to try it straight away.

I'd picked up some marked down blueberry's from Morrison's Seconds shelf.  Nothing wrong with them, they just weren't picture perfect.  De-frosted a banana I'd frozen whole in the skin last week, before they became over ripe.  They don't take long to de-frosted and you hardly need to mash them once you get the skin off. 

My idea was to add the blueberry's instead of raisins to my Banana muffin recipe.  And since I wanted to test one of my new baking tins, lets see if they work as a single cake. I love trying out new things in the kitchen, however I don't recommend testing 2 different things in the same recipe.  When I get hyper I find it hard to edit myself.  An Anxiety disorder side effect, and the reason I no longer drink caffeine.   Me on caffeine is like a kid after eating nothing but sugar.....

Cake turned out great, the blueberry works great in the banana muffin recipe. The 2 fruits complement each other perfectly.  I'd just add less blueberry's next time.  Once the cake had baked it was 50% cake 50% blueberry.  If you want to give it a try I'd suggest adding about  3/4 Cup of Blueberry's, gently folded into the batter. 

I found an online link to my favourite  Mary McCartney's Banana muffin recipe. This is a Vegetarian recipe but can easily be made  Dairy and Egg Free.  I swap the sour cream for Soy Yogurt and  the margerine can be swapped for dairy free.  Or if your like me and don't want to dirty another pan use vegetable oil instead skipping the whole melting stage.  (I love the texture of muffins made with oil) 

My favourite egg subb is 1 tbsp Ground Flaxseed mixed with 3 tbsp. water, then left for 10 mins till the flaxseed oil makes the water turn to a gel.    The consistency is a lot like a raw egg white.

TOP TIP: Freeze fresh fruit. Supermarkets can't keep fresh foods on there shelves beyond a certain date. They are often marked down in price for a quick sale. If  you get a chance to buy fruit or vegetables at at a cheaper price  but feel you  don't have time to use them.  Take them home and freeze them instead. 

Frozen fruit works just as well in baking as fresh.  Banana's, Apples and other hard fruit's need to be de-frosted before use.  But Berry's can be used straight from the freezer, and folded into cake batter.  They retain there shape better. 



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