
No toad in the hole

Why is it you never really crave certain foods, until you find out you shouldn't eat them? 

My stomach is currently full to bursting point, just eaten way to much for lunch.  It did tastes good though......  The kind of meal you really want to take a nap after. 

Just had dairy free Yorkshire pudding with mushroom gravy mmmm. Doesn't sound a lot I know, but the Yorkshire pud was the size of a dinner plate. (I use yeast free gravy granule's)
It's essentially my meat free version  of toad in the hole. Or as I like to call it No Toad in the hole. Iv yet to find a meat free sausage that doesn't have yeast extract added for flavouring (IBS trigger)   Who needs them anyway, my favourite part was always the Yorkshire pudding covered in thick gravy. 

 Next time I'll half  the recipe for my batter, best to avoid too much temptation. 

It got me thinking though, it's not till your told you can't have something that you then seem to want it.  As soon as you go on a diet or switch to a healthy eating regime, you start to crave sugary and fatty foods. 

Both a definite NO NO due to my type of IBS.  So I tend to try and make my own IBS friendly versions, as a compromise.   From personal experience Iv found it's better to satisfy your craving, rather than deny yourself.  If you do, you'll just end up craving it even more. 

Yorkshire pudding is one of those great recipes, that can be served savoury or sweet.   Before the sugar became a trigger, I used to do a Nigella and have mine topped with golden syrup and a scoop of ice cream.

For now I'll stick to my savoury version smothered in lovely thick mushroom gravy.  If unlike me your okay with yeast, go ahead and make some with soya sausages.  Or you could cut some veg into large chunks and roast in oil in the oven.  Once half cooked cover in the batter and cook for another 20 mins, till the yorkshire pudding puff's up. 

For a  Vegan Yorkshire pudding recipe, check out the Vegetarian club. 


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