
Baking Hits... & baking misses....

Breadtastic morning

Not all my baking is a total success, just like every one else I have my hits and misses.  

Total Miss Chapatti flat bread

Tried to make Chapatti's this morning, Try being the operative word.  Iv made them before by cooking them on the hob in a frying pan. They were OK but not great.   Unfortunately I only have non stick pots and pans, to make chapatti's you really need one with a heavy base.  So this time I decided to try cooking them on a baking sheet in my oven. 

They were only in for 10 Min's, I flipped them over half way through the cooking time.  They Turned out a bit on the crispy side.  A lot more like a baked tortilla, than an Indian Chapatti.   Still edible but not really what I was going for.  Next time I'm going to try cooking them under my grill instead.

Hit -Whole meal Soda bread

Also made some whole meal Soda Bread this morning.  Hadn't planned too, but my soya yogurt was on the turn and needed to be used. It might not have been OK to eat anymore, but It was perfect for baking.   My New Years resolution this year was too reduce food waste.  So far so good...

Being lactose intolerant I like to use soya yogurt as a replacement for buttermilk.  If I don't have yogurt I add 1tsp of Lemon juice soya milk instead.  It's the acid reacting with the bicarbonate of soda that makes the bread rise.

I like to cut the bread in half and freeze each portion separately, that way your only defrosting what you need. 

Finding yeast and milk free bread in the supermarket isn't the easiest thing to do, making my own it a lot less stessful....


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