
Ever heard of vegetarian Stovies?


Today's menu at the Pantry

Turkey and rice soup

Corn beef Stovies

Apple crumble or
Jam sponge pudding with custard

I never really know what am going to blog about until I turn on my computer.  I like the randomness of it, makes things more interesting that way.  I mean this morning I could never have imagined I'd be blogging about Stovies!!!

Stovies is one of the Great Scottish comfort foods, however the versions change depending on the region you live in.  In Aberdeen we made it from tatties and beef mince. When I moved down to Fife I found there recipe was more wet with gravy, which I loved. At the Pantry it's made with cubed corn beef, onions and mashed potato's.  Then served with gravy on the side.

Stovies is one of those foods that reminds me of being a kid again.  In our house it was always made at Hogmanny to see in the bells.  It was always on hand to serve  to any one that came to our door  first footing us. 

  After drooling over both it and the apple crumble all day, I couldn't really stop thinking about it.   Meat is one of my IBS triggers, so there's no way I can make myself some.  I could use soya mince but it has Yeast extract added for flavouring, which is another trigger .  I've never really seen or heard of a vegetarian version. So I went for a little surf on the net and found a few.

Surprisingly there's more than one recipe on the net.   I love putting random questions in a search on the net.  It just goes to prove if I can think of something, some one else has already asked themselves the very same question xxxx



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