Voo doo doll pin cushins and the work program

Voodoo doll pin cushion hand knitted by Sharabelle What do a voodoo doll pin cushion and the UK government work program have to do with each other? Quite a lot actually, since one inspired me to do the other. Or I should say the sub contracted supplier of the work program inspired me to knit one, after one of my twice monthly meetings with them. As Julia Andrews sang in Sound of Music - Lets start at the very beginning it's a very good place to start. I haven't been able to work for a few years due to my mental health problems. Iv also had medical problems linked to my IBS and food intolerance's. Iv had a single goal to improve both my physical and mental health. . I have over a 10 year history of mental health problems. Putting a sticky plaster on, and ignoring the problem doesn't help. Not working allows me the time to work at making myself better Forget the usual story's of benefits cheats that you...