Be Mindful
I encountered the concept of mindfulness when I first went through therapy over 10 years ago. After I was diagnosed with depression. Meditation and guided relaxation did nothing for me, however I have always found comfort in words. I love to read, basically anything. Books, ebooks, newspapers, blog posts.
I'm a visual person, it's how I understand the world and interact with people. Using mindfulness principles I have learnt a lot about myself, good and bad. I've learnt I like who I am as a person. We all have faults but that does not make us bad people.
I'm a visual person, it's how I understand the world and interact with people. Using mindfulness principles I have learnt a lot about myself, good and bad. I've learnt I like who I am as a person. We all have faults but that does not make us bad people.
These are some of the quotes I have found the most helpful. Many of them are writing down on post it notes and stuck on my fridge. I recommend trying it, let's be honest the fridge is probably one of the most used items in our homes.

Too often we feel judge, by our family, friends and peers. Or even people we meet through our day to day life. I like who I am as a person and I try to follow this quote. We can't control other people, but we can control the way we react to them.

I find being around negative people very hard. We can get so bitter about the things that have happened to us in the past. Repeating it constantly in our minds. Using mindfulness techniques, I now chose to use my past as a learning experience. Through looking back I now know how I would approach those situations If they happen again.
Negativity is like an infection
spreading quickly to those all around
It can be constant and unrelenting
battling your defences.
Self Centred thoughtlessness
they are stuck in a loop living in denial
Their pessimistic bitterness
about the world all round.
I feel like I'm drowning
SB Original
I find writing poems helpful in exorcising thoughts that keep clouding my mind. I used to be the negative person. I didn't realise how my mental health problems were affecting other people, because I was too focused on my own pain. Now I go out of my way to make sure my mental health problems do not have a negative effect on other people.

I was having one of my bad days. I was really depressed about having to give up work because of my Fibromyalgia. I'd tried so hard to stay in work and was beating myself up about it. I opened up my facebook page and this Tiny Buddha quote popped up.
This is identical to the fridge magic that my mum got for me. It meant a lot to me. I've always felt different from other people, it wasn't till I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression that I understood why.

I was in a group therapy session and we were giving this our as note paper. It just made me smile. When I asked for a copy to put on my fridge, everyone else followed and requested the same. I love the fact I have my own individual identity. Even from being a young child, I never wanted to dress or do the same things as everyone else. We are all unique and we should celebrate that fact.

Perfection is boring
Reality is overrated
Morality is dictated and
socially created
Switch off social media
look around.
See the real imperfection
world, in all its glory.
SB Original

The feeling of pure joy,
when you crack open a book
for the first time.
The ability to time travel
to different places and eras
without leaving your sofa
The amazement of how
a writer has strung
their words together
to create a work of art
The lyrical musical beauty
of words
That sings from the pages.
Finally reaching the last word
Closing the book and thinking
I'm glad you took me their.
SB Original
Reading is my main passion. The only thing that comes close to it is being able to talk about it. To share with other people the books that Iv'e read. To find each individual perspective on it.
Frances Bacons quote, perfectly explains it. There is a book for each person. Some are just meant to be dipped into like a recipe book or poetry. Some books are perfect for escaping the real world and relaxing. While others have a message that you really need to think about.
Take a look at the site for the charity Mind it has information on mindfulness. As I previous said Meditation didn't really work for me. However I do find it a useful tool to use in managing my mental health problems.
Take Care xx
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