My favourite Dairy free Products
Everyday Dairy Free
I've tried a lot of dairy free milk and this one if my favourite. I used to just buy what was on offer. Not anymore there just not as good as my Rice Dream milk.
I buy shops own brand soya milk for baking, it has the consistency of whole milk so is better for baking with. It's also more economical as your not going to taste the milk once your cake or cookies as baked.

There are 3 Pure spreads on offer, soya spread, sunflower oil spread and my favourite Olive spread. Pure spreads are also great for baking cakes and cookies with.
They do contain palm oil, however I have checked this out and they get their supply from sustainable palm oil farms.
Next time you're out shopping check the ingredients of the product you are buying. Rain forests are being cut down at a rate, of over 300 football fields an hour. Harming the environment, compromising our global warming reduction efforts. Destroying the natural habitat of orangutans and other animals, to the extent they are now on the endangered animal list. Killing the animals that ventured onto the farms, while causing others to starve. There has also been instances of breaches of human rights of the workers.

I used to make my own custard with using birds custard powder and dairy free milk. This is much better. It's one of those products that unless someone told you it was dairy free you wouldn't notice.
It's great hot and cold. The only downside for me is it gets thinner when it's heated. When served straight from the carton it's lovely and thick, with a Delicious vanilla taste. Fruit and custard are an old fashion favourite of mine. I pour the cold custard over warm apple or rhubarb compote. Then sprinkled with granola on top to make a quick crumble. It's also great served hot poured over tinned fruit. What can I say I just love this product.
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