Go Bananas for Bananas - My top 10 Recipes
Bananas about bananas
This is a re-post of an older blog. I had committed myself to year long mission to experiment making as many recipes as possible with my favourite fruit the banana. Why?....... It all started with as a joke during a conversation with a friend, who noted I seemed to add Banana to a lot of my recipes.
I had just become totally Lactose Intolerant to the point that I have to read ingredients labels on foods and prescription pills to make sure they don't contain any milk derivatives.
(Some pharmaceutical companies use lactose to bulk out pills, since its cheap)
I went back to my research roots and started surfing the net looking for dairy free recipes. What I discovered was the wonderful world of vegan baking, Where I learnt that it was possible to bake dairy and egg free.
Banana's make a great substitute for eggs in some recipes.
Perhaps it's because I'm Scottish but baking without eggs is pretty appealing, since it costs less money since I will only use Free Range Eggs.
I've enjoyed this year's Banana Project, though there are some recipes that I definitely will not be making again!!! Lucky for me these were in the minority, as there are also some recipes that are now in my baking repertoire.
It only seems appropriate for my last Banana Project post to be a list of my.....
Top 10 Banana themed recipes
1. Banana gingerbread

Vegan gingerbread
I swapped the apple puree for mashed banana. Remember to weight the bananas without their skin, before mashing.
The first time I made the recipe didn't have any treacle in my store cupboard. So I used double the qty of Golden syrup instead. Despite the lack of treacle the gingerbread tasted great.
I have also made a version using homemade date syrup/puree as a substitute for the treacle. Its add natural sweetness and still gives the same sticky texture.
Date syrup - Measure out - 1 Cup of Dates, then Dice them. This makes them easier to break down and helps check for any stray pips. Pour over - 1/2 Cup boiled water and leave to soak till the water is totally cool. Finally use a hand blender to break down the dates and turn them into a puree.
Taste test:
You can't really fully taste the banana due to the ground ginger. You could always reduce the qty to 1 tsp to make it more bananatastic, but personally I loved the kick of Ginger. The banana in the recipe is one of those ingredients that adds 'Je ne sais Quoi. You can't taste it, but you would notice if it wasn't there.
2. Quick Banana Ice cream

Quick Banana Ice Cream
No churn quick Ice Cream, okay you still need to do a little prep but it's worthwhile for the taste alone.
It's simple - Peel and dice a few bananas then store in the freezer. When you are in the mood for Ice Cream, take them out a blitz them in a blender. Voila you have quick soft serve banana Ice Cream.
Once you have the basics you can start to add other flavours, like cocoa powder to make chocolate Ice Cream.
The simplest recipes are always the best, this was my go to Ice Cream for Summer 2013.
3. Banana Everything Cookie (PPK)

Post Punk Kitchens - Banana Everything cookie
Banana's, oatmeal and chocolate chips are three of my favourite things. The recipe is really easy to make and is now one of my favourite cookie recipes
I like to leave my cookie dough to firm up in the fridge before baking. The cookies turned out great, nice and crispy round the edges and chewing soft in the middle.
I have made many variation of this recipe over the year. The first time I overdid the chocolate chips which overrode the banana taste in the cookie. I now add just 1/3 cup instead chocolate chips. Or use swap for raisins or nuts instead.
It's a brilliant recipe from those equally brilliant guys at the Post Punk Kitchen.
4. Banana Scones

Wholemeal Banana
Soda Bread Scones
with Raisins
I am also yeast Intolerant so can not eat bread that's baked with it. I am okay with Soda bread, unfortunately the store made brands all contain milk. Being yeast intolerant is as big a pain as being lactose intolerant.
Lucky for me making your own soda bread is easy, I can make in in the same time it would take to go to my local shop and buy a regular loaf.
Banana Scone Recipe
Easy to make by adjusting a Basic Soda Bread Recipe. Add 1 large mashed banana into a jug, then top up with soya milk till it measured 200ml.
Another easy and tasty recipe. Depending on my mood I make a few different variations. Try adding
- Dried fruit or Nuts
- Chocolate Chips
- 1 tsp Cinnamon or mixed spice
5. Roasted Banana Truffles
If I can't find a recipe that I'm happy with I tend to modify one that's pretty close. I took inspiration from this Banana Chocolate Truffles Recipe. Coconut oil and cocoa butter are just too expensive for me to cook and bake with. So I simplified the recipe to make it more cost effective.
Easy chocolate Banana truffles
5 oz Dairy free Chocolate
1/2 Cup Coconut cream (From can of Coconut milk)
1 overripe banana - roasted
pinch of sea salt
cocoa powder
- Keep your can of coconut milk in the fridge overnight, this will help separate the watery milk and thick cream.
- Roast your whole banana (skin and all) in your oven for 20 Min's. May take longer if not fully ripe.
- Once cooked use hand blender to puree into Coconut cream.
- Place a glass bowl over a small pan of simmering water. Put chocolate and banana coconut mix into bowl. Leave over a low heat until the chocolate melts.
- Take of heat and leave to cool in the bowl. Once at room temp, place in the fridge to set.
- Take a baking tray and cover it in greaseproof paper. Sprinkle on enough cocoa powder to stop your truffles from sticking.
- Once set form into walnut sized balls and roll in the cocoa powder.
These are great kept frozen in your freezer for an instant decadent chocolate hit.
6. Banana Peel tea
When I mention this one to friend I get some really strange looks. I know it sounds bizarre but its great. Why throw away your banana peel, when you can use it to make tea.
Simple - Take 1 banana peel and place in a mug. Pour over boiled water and cover so it stays warm as the banana infuses. Remove peel and drink.
The result is a mildly banana flavoured tea that reminds me a lot of chamomile. Its a lovely refreshing drink that makes use of something you would normally bin.
7. Banana & Mustard dressing
What can I say I had planned to mix some mayonnaise with wholegrain mustard to make a sauce for my pasta salad. Then I noticed the ripe banana that was in my fruit bowl. Next thing I knew I was mixing them both together.
What do you know it worked!!!! The sweetness of the creamy mashed banana worked well against the spicy whole grain mustard. Probably one of my more bizarre cooking experiments but I loved it. Even better it's completely dairy free and counts towards my 1 of 5 a day fruit and veg.
Banana Mustard Recipe
1 large banana - mashed
1 tbsp Wholegrain Mustard
Take both ingredients and mix them both together, then chill in the fridge.
You can use this as a dip for tortilla chips or stir into a pasta salad.
8. Banana Tea Loaf

Most tea loaf recipes include 1 egg. I usually do not bother adding any because it bakes just as well without one. Since I love to add Banana as an egg substitute, this was one of the first recipes I made for the Banana project.
It works, the banana adds extra sweetness so I can cut the sugar in the recipe to 2 oz. Which is great since my too much sugary foods is not great for my IBS......or my waste line.
It's pretty simple to make a Banana Tea Loaf , all you need to do is add 1 large banana - mashed to a basic Tea loaf recipe.
Tea Loaf
100 g - 200 g Dried Fruit
2 - 4 oz Caster Sugar
1/2 Pint hot tea
250 g Flour
1 tsp Baking Powder
2 tsp Mixed Spice
- In a jug soak the fruit and sugar in the tea overnight.
- Pre-heat oven too 180 Celsius, and grease or line a loaf tin
- Measure out your flour, baking powder and mixed spice into a bowl. Then pour in your wet fruit mixture.
- Mix together well and scoop into your loaf tin. Bake for 50 Min's - 1 hr. Once cooked Leave in the tin for 10 Min's before moving to a wire cooling rack.
Test: Should spring back when lightly touched in the middle. Double check with a toothpick or skewer.
I love taking a standard recipe and changing the tastes depending on my mood. Fruit loaf is great on it's own or spread with dairy free butter. However it is even better toasted and buttered. Toasting releases the smell of the spices around the kitchen mmmmm
9. Banana Muffin ( Mary McCartney's)

Mary McCartney's Banana Muffin
This is a Vegetarian recipe that can easily be made Dairy and Egg Free. I swap the sour cream for Soy Yogurt and the margarine can be swapped for dairy free. Or if your like me and don't want to dirty another pan use vegetable oil instead skipping the whole melting stage. (I love the texture of muffins made with oil)
If you want to make these egg free you need to use another substitute. This recipe has a tendency to sink in the middle if the eggs are not added to the batter. There are commercial egg substitutes but I find it easier and cheaper to make my own by making a Flax seed egg. i
Flax seed egg
1 tbsp Ground Flax seed mixed with 3 tbsp. water, then left for 10 Min's till the flax seed oil makes the water turn to a gel. The consistency is a lot like a raw egg white.
I make different variation of this recipe by adding different accompaniments.
- Chocolate Chips
- Raisins
- Dried Fruit and nuts
- Fresh Blueberries
- Diced fresh Rhubarb
10. Brazilian Coffee Banana Dessert
- Fresh Blueberries
- Diced fresh Rhubarb
10. Brazilian Coffee Banana Dessert

Brazilian Coffee Banana dessert
I would never have thought about putting those 2 flavours together, but the coffee really works with the Banana. The recipe requires no actual cooking other than boiling a kettle.It's one of those recipes that looks brilliant, but in reality requires very little work.
It also tastes great, it was my go to dessert during the summer months. I used plain soya yogurt to make it dairy free. Since pomegranates were not in season at the time I left them out, still tasted great.
When I started the Banana Project I never thought I would find as many recipes. I've had a ball trying them all out. The added pressure of making them dairy free just made it more of a challenge.
It's made me a lot more fearless in the kitchen and willing to experiment.
Not too shabby for someone with an Anxiety disorder xxxx
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