Coping with Depression and other illnesess
The last 6 months has been hard on me. My Depression has gotten worse, since being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. So I thought I would share some posts that have helped me. Some times, we all need a little reminder of things we already know.Just to get us through the bad times.
1. Let it go
There are a lot of little reasons that contribute to my mental health problems, and sometimes it's hard for me to move on. Through counselling I've learnt it's better to view them as a learning experience. If I find myself in any of those situations again, I'll deal with them better. As someone told me, why focus on the past when it upsets you.

2. Who are we to judge
People are quick to judge. I do not ever want to make people feel the way I have felt. There is a negative stereotype about people that have mental health problems or other invisible illnesses. The experience has taught me to be less judgemental. It's all too easy to assume the worst about someone.
For example, just because someone is stumbling down the street does not mean there drunk. They could have cerebral palsy. Someone using a disability badge to park and looks able to walk, could have a hidden illness.
“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”
~Mother Theresa
3. Be positive
Another tip I have learnt from counselling. If I'm going to be negative and list everything that went wrong during my day, I have to list the good as well. No matter how small. It's taking me years working on this. It's an ongoing process. Especially when you have a long term illness that fluctuates, giving you good and bad days.

Heart Centered Rebalancing
4. No such thing as fail
When my baking experiments didn't work out, I never considered them failures. I prefered to look at them as learning "how not to do something". Sometimes learning why something doesn't work a certain way, is as important as how it works. See it as a learning experience instead. I recently learnt to poach an egg in the microwave, after a few try's. I now know not to cover the bowl, or the poached egg ends up all over the microwave.....

Heart Centered Rebalancing
5. Karma
I know a lot of people are wary of religious philosophy. However the fact that it's centuries old and still around is proof enough that it works. What goes around comes around.
You have to admit if someone is throwing a lot of negativity around, they usually end up with it coming back at them. The opposite is also true, if you are a kind person.

6. Live for today
If you look behind to the past and worry about the future,
you miss what today has to bring.
I once got asked if you could go in a time machine where would you go. I'd stay right here. I've spent too much time feeling depressed about what's happened in the past, and worrying about the future. Now I like to take one day at a time. It's a lot less stressful.

7. Borrowing troubles
I also have problems with anxiety, it can be easy to be overwhelmed. I now take a take breath, so I can think about things calmly. It's all too easy to make a big problem out of something thats really simple. youtube is great for finding clips showing how to fix things. It's my go to site now.

Coping with depression is an ongoing process. Iv found quotes that pop up on my facebook feed, really helpful. Normally talking to yourself isn't a great thing, however I find giving myself pep talks works for me. Especially when my brain starts overthinking things.
Goodluck in your own battles xxx
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