Depression and Me

For the most part this blog is about living with IBS and food intolerances. However people with IBS and other chronic illnesses also have problems with depression and anxiety.
I feel this is something Iv neglected. I'm a big supporter of talking about mental health problems, in the hope of breaking the stigma. So those of us with mental health problems no longer feel they need to hide it. Or in some cases feel ashamed.
So as part of the See Me Scotland campaign I'm going to start sharing my own experiences.
Hollowness fills me, it feels like a bereavement.
One minute I'm angry, the next deadened.
Eyes open but not seeing, all emotions turn numb
for my own protection.
My mind keeps turning, I don't know or ever have
seen the point in living. The purpose of existing.
Yet we are all pre-programmed to survive. Sadness
slips in, I mourn. Then it occurs to me that the life
I grieve for is my own.
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