Flaked Pudding Rice - Product Review

Tesco's own brand £0.80
I discovered flaked rice a few years ago, up and till then I'd never heard of it. It can also be called Flattened Rice. It was a new product, so I had to try it out for myself. The great thing about Flaked Rice is that it cooks a lot quicker than ordinary rice. You can make it on the stove top in 8 Min's, or you can cook for longer in the oven.
Speed is a great selling point, another is that it is accidentally Gluten and Dairy Free. It is also really easy to cook. Making it one of my go to comfort foods. After writing my Rice dessert recipes blog post, I have been craving coconut rice pudding. So bought a tin of coconut milk, and made some today.
All you really need to make rice pudding is - rice, dairy free milk, sugar.
I used my coconut rice milk to cook it, then folded in some of my Alpro Coconut Yogurt as well once it had cooled down. Then topped with mixed seeds and a drizzle of syrup to make it a lovely light dessert. Unlike normal rice you can eat pudding rice either hot or cold.
I'm incredibly lucky to only have a Gluten Intolerance due to my IBS. The difference is, it will cause me a lot of pain. While for those with Coeliac disease, it can cause damage to their digestive system and malnutrition due to lack of nutrient absorption.
Delicious Alchemy brand - also make a flaked rice, thats totally gluten free. They call it porridge but it's exactly the same product.

You could add a little cocoa powder in while it's cooking to make yourself a chocolate version. Or a little mixed spice and raisins is another variation I like to eat, especially on a really cold night.
It's easily digestible so great for both Adults and kids of all ages. I prefer making my own instead of buying it, since it's cheaper and easy to make yourself.
This is one of my store cupboard staples, so I recommend you give it a try.
I hope you like it as much as I do.
The 2 links above gives you a few recipe ideas
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