Pancakes & Crumpets - product review

Gluten Free, Wheat Free and Milk Free
- The pancakes contain egg, so are not vegan.
Pancakes were one of my favourite treats as a kid. I remember my mum making them. She would place them between a clean kitchen towel to keep them warm, for us to eat.
So for me Genius adding them to their product list, was a brilliant move. Since becoming gluten intolerant, it's the simple things I miss the most.
The pancakes have a good texture, you couldn't tell they were gluten free. This is probably because they have egg in the recipe. It's really hard to create recipes, that are gluten, wheat, milk and egg free.
I prefer my pancakes toasted, it's just my personal preference. There perfect with just dairy free spread. They don't need anything else.
You could have them warmed for breakfast, drizzled with syrup. Then severed with Dairy free yogurt and fresh fruit on the side.
Another alternative is serving them warm as a dessert topped with chocolate or caramel sauce. Then some Dairy free ice cream on the side.
Gluten free, wheat free, Dairy free and Vegetarian
Not all crumpets are created equally. When I could eat Gluten, some of the ones I tasted were not what I would call edible. Luckily these ones are.
The crumpets have a fluffy and light texture, but are surprisingly filling. Crumpets are made to be toasted, and thats the way I like them. You could also warm them in the microwave instead. I love the contrast of the crunchy outside and the soft fluffy inside.
I really liked them. They are not made with sugar, so can be served with both savoury or sweet products. There great just themselves served with dairy free spread or drizzled with golden syrup.
You could also have them with scrambled or poached eggs.
Crumpets are a great alternative to gluten free bread, so I recommend you give them a try.
When ever my local supermarket has these products reduced, I buy them up and put them in my freezer. There not expensive to buy, but I'm Scottish and can't resist a bargain. It's also a great way to try a product you have not tried before, without paying full price.
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