Thank Bananas It's Friday

Banana Project: It started as a joke by friends and family. Every recipe I made seemed to contain banana's. When my IBS related Food Intolerances became worse, I had to give up all dairy along with other foods. Shopping and having to read every ingredients labels got depressing. So I decided to make my own meals and snacks from scratch. Food became fun again, and eating less stressful. Most of the dairy free recipes I found on the Internet, where also vegan. It also just so happened that banana was often used as an egg substitute. It also appealed to my sense of humour...... Maybe it's just a Scottish thing. But as someone that mental health problems, being bananas about bananas just seemed appropriate. Whether you are living with IBS or mental health problems, you've got to keep your sense of humour. First Recipe: - Sweet potato & Banana Empanada The nights are getting shorter and a l...