Thank Bananas it's Friday

It's Friday again..... At the start of the year I gave myself the random mission of making and using banana in as many meals as I possibly could before the end of December. I've not been feeling 100% this week, whenever I am rundown I crave comfort food. Which is why I ended up making nothing but dessert recipes. Angel Food cake served with Dairy free ice cream and caramel banana's There is no need to convert an Angel Food Cake recipe as it's already dairy free. Imagine a sponge cake crossed with a meringue, the result being a wonderfully light dessert cake. Instead of making one large cake, I used my jumbo muffin tin to make mini versions. One of my rules is that I never cook with egg's unless there going to be the star of the recipe. They also must be Free range. I am one of those annoying people that open the egg box to check the small print, just to make sure. They taste b...