
Pavlova at the Pantry

Raspberry pavlova

Iv been lucky enough to start work experience, on Thursdays at a factory canteen called the Pantry.  Lucky  because due to their healthy living ethos, they make nearly everything from scratch.  I'm loving it.  Today I made my first meringue.  Or I should say the first one that is edible, looks like a one and can't be used as a door stop. 

I've tried in the past, I don't care how easy Nigella or the barefoot contessa says they are to make,  there not!!!   Baking is about the feel of the batter when you mix it and knowing when to stop so you don't  over mix it.  Getting the oven temp right and judging the correct time to take it out of the oven.  Sometimes the only way is for someone to teach you. 

I have great childhood memories of my mum and grandma teaching me how to cook and bake.  I've done my share of teaching with friends and niece's and nephew.  The "are you mad look" you get when touching the top of a cake to see if it will spring back.  Or when you tap the bottom of a scone to see if it sounds hollow.  Then the look of wonder, as though you have let them into a secret.

Well that person was me today, just goes to show your never to old to learn xxx


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