
Baking Diary


I can't make up my mind if I'm just really organised or just forgetful.... 

After giving up dairy, I've tested a lot of recipes  to find ones suitable for my intolerance's.  I tried shopping as normal, but got depressed reading all the labels to find out if the products were something I could safely eat.  I thought just making sure items were suitable for vegans would be enough, however yeast seems to be added to lots of vegan products as a flavouring. The Solution: =  make my own if I could. 

Having a baking diary  helps me keep track of what works and what doesn't.  And I can safely say Iv figured out lots of ways that don't work.  e.g my fritter failure.

I'm the type of friend that likes to show my appreciation by the giving of baked goods.  So I have a couple of friends who are recipe taste testers for goodies I can't taste test for myself.  In fact, my friends and family are  brutally honest with their comments....... 

Good thing I'v got a thick skin xx 


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