Rain Day Baking

Rolled Oat Macaroons Another rainy day in Scotland, bah humbug. Not surprising that the news is reporting this has been one of the wetest summers on record. So apart from making a big pot of corn and potato soup to keep me warm, I decided to bake today. A while ago I found a recipe for a traditional Scottish recipe called Rolled Oat Macaroons. Basically its the Scottish version of a Oat cookie. It's one of my favourite to make, i like to make them small so I can eat more than one at a time. Iv modified the recipe slightly to make it dairy free, iv also added raisins and spice. These are great with a mug of hot chocolate on a rainy day. Rolled Oat Macaroons 3 oz vegan Marg - softened 2 oz sugar 1 tsp vanilla extract 4 oz self raising flour or 4 oz plain flour + 1 tsp baking powder 4 oz rolled oats 1 tbsp golden syrup 1/2 tsp ground ginger 1tsp ground cinnamon 2 oz raisins Soya Milk to mix...