SAINSBURY'S - Free From Chocolate

GLUTEN FREE, WHEAT FREE & DAIRY FREE I was in Sainsburys during the week and discovered they have a new range of Free From Chocolate bars. I'm really impressed, the majority of supermarkets retailers have their own Free from small chocolate bars. However I've never seen a range as wide as Sainsbury's. It's great to see a food retailer catering to consumers who have food allergies or intolerances. I then went to the cafe for a pot of tea. I found a choice of 2 Free From options. Mini Cherry Bakewells and a Chocolate Brownie, both Gluten and dairy free. I passed these up and had a bread roll with strawberry jam. It reminded me of the Jam pieces we used to eat for a snack when I was a kid. Normally we got them as a snack, after we came back in from playing outside. It was the perfect thing fill us up till tea time. A jam piece is Scottish for a Jam sandwich. 100g bars of dairy free chocolat...