
IBS - beginners guide. Part 1

IBS - help tips

When you first find out from the Dr that you have IBS,  the literature and advice you're given can be overwhelming.  I was diagnosed over 20 years ago, a time when neither my friends or family had heard of it.  I got a leaflet and very little advice leaving me clueless about what I needed to do.

If I could go back in time I would give myself this advice, Don't Panic

1. Buy a notebook  and keep a food diary for the next month. Just keep eating your normal food, as it's the best way to find out what your food triggers are.  Make your own scale to show the level of your discomfort or pain.  Its also a good idea to show your doctor how your coping.  

2. Controlling pain. - Buy a hot water bottle.  Pain medications don't work for me.  Your doctor might prescribe you Antispasmodics, however these are more to prevent pain than stop it.  Strong painkillers aren't recommended if you have digestive problems.  

3. Exercise - Walking is great for digestion.  No need to spend money on going to the gym or going to exercise classes, unless you enjoy them.  A nice relaxing walk is all you need.  

4. Watch what you drink - Drinks can be a trigger too.  Try to avoid or reduce

- Caffeine, as this is a stimulant on the digestive system and the bladder. 

- Soda Drinks, These can contain artificial sweeteners which have a laxative effect on those of us with IBS.  Soda drinks can also contain high amounts of sugar.  Which feeds the natural bacteria in the stomach, causing gas/trapped wind.

- Alcohol  Is another stimulant that can cause problems.  I've been tee-total for 6 years now as this is one of my major triggers. You don't need to go that far, eating a meal with your drink helps reduce the problem.  

Finally remember Don't panic or stress.  Doing little things can help a lot xxx


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