
What do you eat?

I haven't been able to blog for a while.  My IBS has been getting worse, which has been making me depressed.  It's a vicious circle, as mental health problems can trigger IBS symptoms. While coping with IBS pain and symptoms also cause anxiety and depression. 

Unfortunately for me I suffer from both....... 

My doctor told me something that struck home for me.  If I was cut open or had medical tests, there would be no indication that I had IBS.  It's one of those illnesses that Scientist still can not explain fully. 

Normally a stressful situation, digestive illness or food poisoning can be traced back to the start of most peoples symptoms.  For me It was E-coli food poisoning. 

Finding our about the  "It's not just IBS" campaign reminded me that I'm not the only one who feels this way.  So often iv made emergency appointments and ended up with a Locum Doctor who does not know me.  Then been fobbed off by being told either It's my mental health problems that are making my symptoms worse or that it's just your IBS and I need to adjust my diet. 

It's extremely frustrating......

Currently at his time I'm severely

-Lactose intolerant
-Wheat intolerant

While I avoid the following,

- Meat and poultry products
- High sugar foods and artificial sweeteners
- Fatty or deep fried foods

If your like me, remember your not the only one out there.  Instead of focusing on the negative side, today I decided to do something proactive and positive and start blogging again.  I want to re-discover my love and enthusiasm of food, cooking and baking again.  


Bowl of Porridge, topped with nuts and seeds.


Patatas Bravas - I made mine with a combination of baby potatoes and sweet potatoes.  I roasted them in the oven till crispy, the ntossed them in the sauce.( Vegetarian Times)

Coconut milk rice pudding, topped with homemade blackberry compote

Try this recipe for Healthier Rice pudding from


Baked whole Mackerel with broccoli

(I have a whole freezer drawer full of mackerel thanks to my brother and nephews fishing adventures)


Fresh Fruit
Sweet and salty popcorn.  (One of my top favourite foods)


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