
Update - 2015

I didn't realise it had been so long since I last blogged.  I could give a lot of different reasons, however it's quicker to say that sometimes life gets in the way.

Mental Health

Christmas is always a bad time for me, I prefer to be in my own home on the big day.  No worries about trying to see everyone.  When are they going to serve food? And are they going to have something that I can eat!!! Would they be offended if I brought my own dinner just in case.......

I'm a firm believer in taking ownership of my health problems.  It's the same for my IBS, I'm responsible for the food I eat.  I can't blame anyone if I become ill.  As such I always carry an emergency snack with me, and always research places that I can eat.  My mum and friends get more upset than I do if we go somewhere that has nothing I can eat or something that's boring. 

Don't be afraid to ask, it's now law in the UK that food business need to have available an allergy list of the food they serve. 

Working in retail during the Christmas season is extra hard.  For some reason the season of good will to all men, doesn't extend to those of us in front line customer service.  Customers become difficult, kindness and courtesy go out the window.  It can be depressing, however there is always that one customer that says or does something that makes it all worthwhile. 

This year iv accepted that Christmas is going to be difficult for me and that there is nothing wrong with that. 

I now have my own traditions.  I usually spend Christmas eve with my mum, this year we visited the European market in Edinburgh's Princes Gardens.  Torrential rain didn't stop us enjoying ourselves.  We had lunch at Henderson's vegetarian cafĂ© in Edinburgh, my mother and I loved it there and plan to go back the next time where in town. 

Due to my IBS I split my Christmas meal into 3. 
Breakfast = Starter
Lunch = Main course
Dinner = Dessert

It's the one day of the year I devote totally to myself.

I dress when I want and eat when I want.  People can drop in anytime, there is no rush or set time.  Too me Christmas should be stress free xx


I'm starting 2015 a lot stronger than I was this time in January last year.  I feel more confident in myself and settled. 

My Anxiety/depression is a part of me, however iv always strived to make sure it doesn't define me.   It's the main reason I started this blog.  I love the written word so it made sense to use it too express myself. 

New Year's resolution this year is too blog more.  So look out for more recipes and information on free from foods that I discover along the way xxxx


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