
Waste not want not - Project 2014


Its a new year so it's time for a new project. Why?  Well I get bored very easily and find it best to have something to keep me occupied.  I'm really dangerous when bored...... 

Side effect of having an anxiety problem, I find it hard to relax and just sit down.  Funny enough my brothers are the same. Doing nothing and relaxing is really hard......

Writing my blog is one way I can stay busy, while still remaining in a seated position.  

It's taken me a while but I have finally picked my next project for 2014.....

Waste not want not

My New Years resolution for 2013 was to reduce my food waste.  It seemed appropriate since our local council have started a new recycle system.  Along with my paper/cardboard bins, they have added one for tins and plastics and food waste. 

I've decided to go one further this year and blog some practical ideas Iv discovered to reduce waste and save a few pennies in the process.

Check out the  Love Food Hate waste website for some inspiration xxx

WASTE NOT WANT NOT -   Flavoured sugar and salt

Instead of throwing away the skin of an orange or other citrus fruit, why not zest it first.  The skin of oranges, lemons and limes contain the oil so is great for flavouring sweet and savoury foods.

Flavoured Sugar

1/2 Cup Caster sugar
1 citrus fruit - zested

The best ratio is 1/2 a cup of sugar per one citrus fruit.  

- Zest your fruit and mix into the sugar.  Keep in an airtight container, leave overnight for the best flavour.  Shake every so often to stop the sugar clumping together.  

Orange sugar - Add to chocolate cookies or cakes for a chocolate orange kick

Lemon/Lime sugar - Add to a shortbread cookies or Plain cake recipe to give it a lemonade flavour.  I like to add some poppy seeds as well for the crunch

Flavoured Salt

1/2 Cup Salt
1 Citrus fruit - Zested

- Zest your fruit and mix into the salt.  Keep in an airtight container, leave overnight for the best flavour.  Shake every so often to stop the salt from clumping together.  

Use in recipes in place of your usual salt for extra flavour. 

Lime salt - Traditionally used in Mexican food

Lemon salt - Roasted or grilled fish and vegetable dishes

Orange salt -  Use in dressings for salads or in oriental sauces

There easy to make and it is not something you can buy in the shops. It's the best way to get the most out of something you would normally throw away xxx


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