
Waste not want not: - Bicarbonate of Soda

Kitchen Helper

Sodium bicarbonate or Bicarbonate of soda
there the same thing

I had an appointment last week with  Ears, Nose and throat.   Iv had sinus problems for years, I have allergy like symptoms with out actually having an allergy!!!! 

It's a bit like having food intolerance's with out having an allergy.  They can both cause a lot of pain, but are not life threatening. 

Along with brushing my teeth in the morning and at night, I can now add rinsing out my nostrils.  According to the leaflet I got   "Rinsing your nose is a safe way to help wash crusts and mucus from your nose". 

From my point of view it's not really a fun thing to do, however I'm willing to try anything to stop my nose constantly running. 

Lucky for me I already had all the ingredients to make a rinse, so did not really have any excuse for putting it off. 

Nasal wash Recipe
1 Pint of Water
1/2 Level Teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda
You need a 20 mils syringe


It reminded me that Bicarbonate of soda can be used for more than just baking cakes or soda bread. 

Why buy lots of products that will eventually go out of date and need to be thrown out, when you can buy one products that does the same job. 

Its a really great kitchen helper, It is also pretty inexpensive to buy.  You also save money since you only need to purchase one product, instead of many. 

Making Bicarbonate of soda my Waste not want not products of the week. 

Wacky Cupcakes

Leavening agent

- Wacky cake recipe rises with out eggs, because the bicarbonate of soda chemically reacts to the acid in the recipe.  
  - Quick Soda Bread  is usually made with buttermilk, which creates the same chemically reaction.  In a non dairy versions you need to add 1 tsp of vinegar of lemon juice to create the same effect.

Keep Cauliflower white

- Add 1 Tsp of Bicarbonate of soda to the water when cooking your cauliflower.
Keep vegetables Green

- Add 1/2 tsp to the cooking water of your greens, to help keep them green.

Gassy Beans

- Add some Bicarbonate of soda to cold water when soaking dried beans, prior to cooking.  This will reduce the chance of your stomach manufacturing gaseous substances.  


- Adding a pinch of bicarbonate of soda too tomatoes sauces or soups can reduce the cooking time.  

Warning: Do not overcook keep them a little crunchy.  Over cooking just causes the vitamins to leach out into the cooking water.  Adding too much can also make your food taste like soap.  A little goes a long way.  

Telegraph- The ten best homemade remedies


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