Waste not want not: - Bicarbonate of Soda

Kitchen Helper Sodium bicarbonate or Bicarbonate of soda there the same thing Sodium Bicarbonate I had an appointment last week with Ears, Nose and throat. Iv had sinus problems for years, I have allergy like symptoms with out actually having an allergy!!!! It's a bit like having food intolerance's with out having an allergy. They can both cause a lot of pain, but are not life threatening. Along with brushing my teeth in the morning and at night, I can now add rinsing out my nostrils. According to the leaflet I got "Rinsing your nose is a safe way to help wash crusts and mucus from your nose". From my point of view it's not really a fun thing to do, however I'm willing to try anything to stop my nose constantly running. Lucky for me I already had all the ingredients to make a rinse, so did not really have any excuse for putting it off. Nasal wash Recipe 1...