Kelkin - Jaffa cakes Review

Gluten free
When you have a food intolerance there are certain things you miss more than others. One of those things for me is Jaffa cakes. So I was really pleased to find Kelkin gluten free jaffa cakes in my local morrisons. They are what I call accidently dairy free, they contain egg so they are not vegan.
Kelkin produce gluten free foods, so they advise that their products might contain milk, eggs or nuts. For insurance reasons food producers have to put this on their labels, incase there is cross contamination with the other products they make. I'm only lactose intolerant so there okay for me to eat, if you have a milk allergy they may not be suitable.
Wouldn't it be great if we could just go grocery shopping without having to check all this information.
Taste wise they reminded me exactly of the original Jaffa cake. The base a soft cake, the layer of orange jelly made using pectin from fruit and finally the layer of chocolate on top.
The 3 layers are a perfect balance, the only problem is there gone in 2 bites. It took a lot of willpower to not eat the whole box when I got home. The orange jelly layer is made from orange juice, and lets not forget that chocolate is made from a bean. So the jaffa cakes could technically be counted towards your 5 portions of fruit a day. It's practically a health food.
I loved these, I'm hoping Santa brings me a packet for my christmas stocking xx
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