Frozen Vegetable Soup
I had a duuh moment, the idea is so simple I can't really call it a recipe. It's just so obvious, I really can't believe I didn't think of it before.
Since being diagnosed with fibromyalgia, my life has changed a lot. I have gone from being an enthusiastic cook, to someone afraid of using a knife. The Fibro means my hand can often shake.
I tried using my blender to chop my veg, which worked great. Until it came to cleaning it, when I cut my hand on the blade. I have had to adapt the way I cook, to make it safer.
Frozen chopped vegetables are available in every supermarket and there is now a wider range of available. From simple bags of frozen chopped carrots, to mixed vegetables. My nearest supermarket Morrisons, now have chopped sweet potato.
They are also now more affordable, making them ideal for cooking with. Frozen vegetables are just as good as fresh. In some cases they are better, since they are frozen straight after being picked.
You can make a pan of frozen vegetables soup for less than it would cost to buy a tin of soup. The other benefit of frozen veg, is that it helps cut down on food waste.
You can make a pan of frozen vegetables soup for less than it would cost to buy a tin of soup. The other benefit of frozen veg, is that it helps cut down on food waste.
You could use a single whole mixed bag, or combine 2 separate types of mixed frozen veg like carrots and leeks.

Aldi Frozen mixed
Frozen vegetable soup
1/2 bag mixed vegetables
(enough to fill half the pan)
4 tsps vegetable stock bouillon
or 1 vegetable stock cube
Boiled water - just enough to cover vegetables
Place all the ingredients in a large pan.
Cook on full heat, when boiling turn down
temperature too a simmer.
Once the vegetables are cook, remove from heat
and blitzed smooth with a hand blender.
The key is to make sure you do not put too much water in your pan. You can always add more later if your soup is too thick. Really wish I had remembered that myself, I added in extra lentils to thicken mine. You can add salt and pepper to suit your tastes.
Tips to thicken soups.
- Add a chopped potato, once cooked mash in with other ingredients.
- Add 1/2 cup of red lentils
- Add rice or noodles, which work best with thinner soups.
- Add more of your mixed vegetables to the soup, I blitz again once cooked.
Chefs on TV give the idea that cooking is complicated. Sometimes it's the simplest recipes that are the best. Are more often the ones you create yourself x
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