
Help save our Bee's

One of nature's best relationships, is that of bee's and the plants.  It's thought to be million of years old.  Plants have cleverly adapted themselves since then. Flowers developed a sweet smell even the leaves changed to attract the bees and other insects to visit. The aim was to make it easier for their pollen to be transferred.  

It's hard to believe that something that we don't consider to be sentient, can be so intelligent.  

Bee's are important crop pollinators, which is why it's important for commercial agriculture to be aware of which pesticides kill or harm them.   Pesticides are one part of the reason for the decrease of bee's in our country and worldwide. There is a thought that if a pesticide can kill bees, then it can harm humans and other animals as well.  The health of bees in the area are used as a gauge of health of the environment.

Bumblebee conservation Trust - Leaflet

Scottish Bumblebees


Beekeepers can make money by pollinating crops for farmers and making honey.  They use smoke to calm down the bees, which masks the smell of their scent alarm.  

An important part of their job is to look after the welfare of their bees.  This includes continually check them for pest and mites.  While also making sure they have access to enough food.  The hive needs to be high of the ground, to keep help keep them dry and deter ants and mites.  

A way of making sure they have enough food sources is to move the hive around.  Being able to move them to different farms to pollinate crops, aids both the farmers and the bees.  

Once they have collected their pollen, they leave a scent behind so other bees know the nectar has gone.  I personally had never thought of how bees knew what flowers pollen had already been collected.  Bees are a lot more sophisticated than I originally believed.  

 It's estimated that at least a 1/3 of all vegetables and fruits worldwide are pollinated by bees. Which approximately  would account for at least 50-60% of the world food supply.

National Honey bee day

" Honey bees have been managed and have 
sustained farming practices as far back as 4500 years"

Bee products have been used for their medicinal properties for thousands of years.  I personally use the honey for the sore throats I get, due to my acid reflux.  Honey has natural antibiotic properties.  Honey can be used to help treat burn victims.  Eating local honey has also been seen to help hay fever suffers.  

There are often items on the news of bees making homes in unfortunate places like cars and homes.  Bee keepers are skilled at moving them with no harm.  In the past exterminators would have been called instead.  

The majority of Bee Keepers are hobbyists, who have a real love for conservation of the species.  There are around 275 Species of bumble bee world wild, with 25 of these found in Britain.   We have lost 2 species since records began in the 1940's.  

Vegans do not eat or use any product derived from bees.  However it's the old conundrum,  without the bees vegetables would not become pollinated.  How far should you reasonably go to avoid animal derived products. 

Whatever your own food philosophy it is becoming more important for our society to protect our bees. 

What Can you do?

- Be aware of the pesticides you use in your own garden

- Plant your garden with native and nectar producing flowers.

- If you're not a natural gardener, why not plant wild flower seeds.  

- Our local community garden club, grow flowers to hang in our town centre.

- Our local Council also maintains green areas and plant flowers

-  Have a read of the links on this page and learn more. 


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