Waste Not Want Not - Ugly veggies

Reduced food and Ugly Vegetables I was lucky growing up both my dad and granddad grew there own vegetables. So I learnt early on that ugly funny shaped veggies tasted just as good as the perfect ones. In supermarkets the only different between pretty and ugly vegetables is the price. Ugly veggies are cheaper, so why pay more? Another tip is to buy your vegetables loose, instead of pre-packed it's a lot cheaper and you only buy what you need. Why buy a large bag of Carrots when you know there is no way you will be able to use them all before they turn soft!!!! The reduced section is the same, some items are discontinued stock which has nothing wrong with them. Packages that have burst and been wrapped in cling film, or tins that have a few bashes from being knocked about. The ugly veg and reduced section is the supermarkets way of reducing waste and still making some money back from a product . So why not take advantage off ...