Thank Bananas it's Friday ..... plus 2 days

Bananas about Bananas It's the Friday before Christmas, or should I say it WAS the Friday before Christmas. I had every intention of writing my blog but I had one of my hyper turns. After working all day in a kitchen for other people, I just wanted to cook something I could eat. Which is why 2 hours after I got home from work, I had made - Lentil Dahl - Winter Vegetable soup - Banana Mincemeat Scones I also managed to fit in washing my dirty dishes and cooking my dinner. Hyper turns are one of the side effects of my Anxiety problems. There also the main reason why I avoid caffeine. First Experiment: Banana Mincemeat You can't have Christmas without mincemeat, I love the stuff. I like to bling up a bought jar of mincemeat with my own little touches, in this case Banana. Easiest recipe ever 1 Jar Mincemeat 1 Large Banana - Mashed Mix the 2 ingredients together in a bo...