Waste not, Want not - Spring Onions

SPRING ONIONS Spring onions are a great salad vegetable that's really versatile to use. Either on top of salads or sprinkled over cooked dishes. The only problem is they have a really short shelf life. They go limp after a few days of buying them. I found this great tip on the Internet a while ago. Iv blogged about it before, however it deserves to be added to my Waste not Want not list. Put your spring onion in water, just like you would cut flowers. 1. Buy Spring Onions that still have some root attached. 2. Place your spring onions into a suitable container and fill with enough water to cover the a few inches. 3 . Keep in the bottle drawer of your fridge or on your window sill. It's that simple, the supply of water keeps the spring onions fresh for longer and can lead to new growth. The longer they last...