Thank Bananas It's NOT Friday

Bananas about bananas Okay quick Re-cap - I gave myself the task of making as many recipes as possible using my favourite fruit the Banana. Ohh and they had to be dairy free, since I am lactose Intolerant. Friday at work was pay day, wayyhhaa. Bad news it was everyone Else's pay day as well so work was major busy. By the end of my shift I felt like I had just finished a workout at the gym. Attempting to type my usual bananas about bananas blog, was just not going to happen. Well I could have, but I very much doubt it would have been coherent. So Thank Banana's it's NOT Friday. Banana Oatmeal Bar I get bored baking and eating the same cakes and cookies, so I love trying out new recipes. This time I was in the mood for some oatmeal, however I didn't want to make my usual Oatmeal and raisin cookies. First Recipe: Baked Oatmeal snack Bar The wet component of this recipe is the egg and skimmed m...